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Cybercrime is changing faster than people can keep up. Don’t take our word for it. The 2023 RSA ID IQ Report surveyed more than 2,300 people in 90 countries and found that:

65% of self-described identity and access management (IAM) experts didn’t know the best practices for reducing phishing

63% couldn’t select the identity components needed to advance a zero-trust strategy

Nearly half (48%) answered at least half the questions incorrectly

So, what is going on here? Join us for your opportunity to find out, in an exclusive webinar with Forbes contributor and TechSpective Editor-in-Chief Tony Brandley and RSA CEO Rohit Ghai. You’ll learn what these trends mean for cybersecurity, why identity is changing so quickly, and how organizations like yours can adapt to stay secure.

What to Expect:

Learn what your users know—and what they don’t: We’ll summarize the main findings of the 2023 RSA ID IQ Report and detail how users’ knowledge gaps can give cybercriminals an opening.

New problems require new solutions: Learn how identity security shapes and is shaped by new attack vectors, AI, and human capability with Tony Bradley, who has been bringing technology trends, breaking cybersecurity news, and a broader perspective for more than a decade.

Get answers to your questions, live: Don't miss this opportunity to ask Tony and Rohit questions about the changing state of identity today--and get answers from these experts live.

Knowledge is power—build yours. Reserve your spot now.
Chief Executive Officer- SecurID, an RSA Business
Rohit Ghai is Chief Executive Officer of RSA, a leader in cybersecurity and risk management solutions that provides organizations with technology to address challenges across security, risk management and fraud prevention in the digital era. In this role, he drives strategy and execution across all businesses to deliver value to customers, partners and investors while nurturing a collaborative and customer-centric culture.
TechSpective Editor-in-Chief
Tony Bradley is a respected authority on technology. He writes for a variety of online and print media outlets. He has authored or co-authored a number of books, including Unified Communications for Dummies, Essential Computer Security, and PCI Compliance. He has been a CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) for over 10 years, and he has been recognized by Microsoft as an MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in Windows and Windows security for 9 consecutive years. Before founding Bradley Strategy Group and launching, Tony Bradley was Chief Marketing Officer for Zecurion—a leading data loss prevention company. Prior to that, Bradley was Director of Security at Evangelyze, and was previously an IT administrator and information security consultant working with companies like General Motors, American Airlines, Marathon Oil, and PepsiCo / Frito Lay. Mr. Bradley is a frequent guest of the IMI-TechTalk radio show, and has made appearances on a variety of other radio and TV shows. He is frequently quoted, and has presented at a wide range of events.